Eyelid Surgery

Is Eyelid Surgery Right For You

The skin around your eyes is much thinner and more delicate compared to other areas of the face. This means it’s more susceptible to displaying signs of aging, like fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging. If you are looking to refresh the skin around your eyes, blepharoplasty may be the solution you are searching for.

What Is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, which is commonly known as “eyelid surgery” or an “eyelid lift,” is a cosmetic procedure designed to address complaints regarding the eyelids, such as sagging or drooping eyelids, as well as bags and puffiness around the eyes.

An eyelid lift can help rejuvenate your appearance, restoring your eyes to their own youthful state. Browse our before and after gallery to see examples of the transformative effect of blepharoplasty at Fresh Face + Eye.

lower and upper blepharoplasty before and after of woman aged 50 to 55


Patient: Female Age 50-55

Concerns: She was bothered by the puffiness of her lower lids and heavy upper lids.

Treatment: Bilateral Upper and Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

Surgery by Dr. Baljeet K. Purewal in New Jersey.


Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

About Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Blepharoplasty eyelid surgery (sometimes referred to as an eyelid lift) is a plastic surgery procedure for correcting sagging eyelids, drooping eyelids, or baggy or puffy eyes.

The skin on and around our eyes is much thinner and delicate than other areas of the face. As a result, our eyes are often one of the first facial areas to exhibit signs of aging. While sagging eyelids, droopy eyelids, bags under our eyes or puffy eyes are a common effect of aging, there’s no reason to suffer through an appearance that troubles you or impacts your way of life. An eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is often the most effective procedure to quickly restore your eyes to their youthful state.

Curious to see how other patients look after blepharoplasty? Take a peek at our before and after photos for real-world examples of what a big impact a subtle change through blepharoplasty can make.

What causes saggy, droopy, baggy, or puffy eyes?

There are many factors that contribute to saggy, droopy, baggy, or puffy eyes. External factors like sun damage, smoking, obesity (or subsequent weight loss), etc. can cause the muscles and tissue that support the eyelids to weaken. Genetics can play a significant factor as some of us are just naturally more prone to saggy, baggy, droopy, puffy eyes. Whether from external factors or genetics, eventually aging will affect every one of us, and our eyes are often one of the areas of our face that bear the most dramatic impact.

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Understanding the Causes of Sagging, Baggy, or Puffy Eyes

Many people feel that their eyes are saggy, droopy, baggy, or puffy. There are a variety of factors that contribute to these conditions, both internal and external.


Aging is by far the most common cause of sagging, drooping, baggy, and puffy eyes. This is because as you age, your skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner and more delicate as a result of decreased collagen and elastin production.

Additionally, the muscles and tissues around the eyes weaken with age, which causes the skin to sag and fat pads under the eyes to protrude. The protruding fat pads can result in a baggy or puffy appearance.


Some people are more genetically prone than others to developing saggy, droopy, baggy, or puffy eyes. You may have a genetic predisposition to thinner skin, or a weaker membrane designed to hold fat pads in place. You may also have larger-than-average fat pads under your eyes.

These genetic factors can make you more prone to experiencing eye conditions addressed by eyelid surgery at a younger age or with more severity than others.

Sun Damage

If you experience prolonged, unprotected exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, your skin can start to age prematurely.

Sun damage can cause a breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers, which are proteins responsible for keeping your skin strong, structured, and healthy.

Damage to these protein structures can cause the skin to wrinkle and sag.

You can protect the delicate skin around your eyes from sun damage by using sunscreen and wearing sunglasses that have built-in UV protection.


Smoking has long been connected to premature aging of the skin and saggy, puffy eyes. Chemicals in smoke, especially nicotine, can damage the collagen and elastin fibers in your skin. Smoking also reduces blood flow to the skin, which in turn hinders the delivery of oxygen and other essential nutrients.

By quitting smoking, you can slow down the aging process and improve the overall appearance of your skin, especially in the eye area.

Sleep Deprivation

If you’re not getting enough sleep at night, you may experience fluid retention and an accumulation of blood in your under-eye vessels, which can cause puffiness and dark circles.

Getting enough sleep at night, usually between seven and nine hours, is critical if you want to maintain your overall health and the youthful appearance of your skin.


Allergies cause inflammation, irritation, and itching in the eyes, which can cause your eyes to puff up and swell. If you have chronic allergies, you may constantly rub and scratch at your eyes, causing the skin to stretch and weaken. Stretched, weakened skin can result in saggy or droopy eyelids.

You can treat allergies through over-the-counter or prescription medications. You should also try to avoid allergens in order to alleviate allergy symptoms and prevent further skin damage.

Fluid Retention

If you have a lot of fluid retention, whether from a lack of sleep or adequate hydration, a high sodium diet, or hormonal fluctuations, you may experience swelling and puffiness in your eyelids.

Reducing sodium, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and using a cold compress on your eyes can help minimize the amount of fluid retention you experience and alleviate symptoms of puffy, baggy eyes.

What is the treatment for saggy, droopy, baggy, or puffy eyes?

Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) is one of the most common treatments to quickly and effectively treat droopy eyes, saggy eyes, baggy eyes, and puffy eyes.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that is typically performed as an outpatient procedure requiring local anesthesia and sedation (although general anesthesia may be used for patients who request it). Patients can choose upper blepharoplas

ty to treat saggy eyes, and droopy eyes, or lower blepharoplasty to treat baggy eyes, and puffy eyes. Many patients opt for both procedures to address full upper and lower eyelid aging at the same time. Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) procedures take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on whether both the upper and lower eyelids are operated on.

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Treatment Options for the Eye Area

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift surgery, is a popular, effective solution designed to treat droopy, saggy, baggy, and puffy eyes. Blepharoplasty usually involves upper eyelid surgery for eyes that are saggy or droopy, and lower eyelid surgery for eyes that are baggy or puffy.

Many patients choose to undergo surgery on both their upper and lower eyelids simultaneously in order to address their cosmetic eye issues completely in one sitting. Depending on the complexity of the procedure, eyelid lift surgery can take anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours.

What is involved in blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)?

Upper blepharoplasty is a procedure used to treat sagging and/or drooping eyelids. In an upper blepharoplasty procedure, an incision is typically made along the eyelid’s natural crease. Once the incision is made, fat deposits are repositioned or removed, muscles and tissue are tightened, and excess skin is removed.

Lower blepharoplasty is a lower eyelid procedure used to treat bags under the eyes and/or puffy eyes. Lower blepharoplasty employs an incision, usually made just below the lash line, so that excess skin can be removed. For a lower eyelid that needs fat rather than skin removed, a trans-conjunctival blepharoplasty is performed. During transconjunctival blepharoplasty, an incision is made inside the lower eyelid, so there are no visible scars, and the fat is removed. This procedure has no effect on vision but results in a more refreshed, youthful appearance.

After the procedure, the incisions are closed with sutures and a thin layer of ointment is applied to encourage healing.

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The Eyelid Lift Procedure

Blepharoplasty is typically performed as an outpatient procedure with sedation and local anesthesia.

During an upper blepharoplasty, the eyelid surgeon makes a micro-incision along the natural crease of the eyelid so that any residual scars are as small and unnoticeable as possible.

The eyelid surgeon then repositions or removes fat deposits in the eyes while tightening surrounding muscles and tissue. The final step is for the eyelid surgeon to remove excess skin from the eyelid area.

Lower blepharoplasty targets puffiness and bags under the eyes. During lower eyelid surgery, the eyelid surgeon again creates a small incision, this time just below the lash line or inside the lower eyelid. The eyelid surgeon then removes excess skin or fat.

Once the procedures are complete, the incisions are carefully and precisely closed with sutures, and a thin layer of special ointment is applied to the treated areas in order to encourage healing.

How long is the recovery period for blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)?

The recovery from blepharoplasty is typically uncomplicated and requires minimal downtime. Some simple steps like applying lubricating drops/ointment and utilizing cold compresses will aid in healing and minimize side effects. Most patients return to work within a few days to a week, but should avoid exercise and strenuous activities for at least 2 weeks.

Stitches are usually removed after 1 week. Most swelling and other side effects typically subside within 2 weeks. Contact lenses and eye makeup may not be worn for 2 weeks after surgery. Patients are typically advised to wear dark sunglasses outside or in bright light for 2 weeks to protect their eyes from sun and wind.

Any minor scars that result from blepharoplasty are well-concealed and usually fade with time until they are virtually undetectable. Although the eyelids are still subject to aging, blepharoplasty produces long-lasting results.

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Recovering from Blepharoplasty

The recovery process from a blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift, is relatively straightforward, requiring minimal downtime.

During recovery, you’ll use a combination of lubricating eye drops, cold compresses, and ointments to help reduce the potential for side effects and encourage healing.

Most patients return to work within a few days to a week after surgery, though we recommend they avoid exercise and other strenuous activities for a minimum of two weeks.

Stitches are removed after a week on average, with other side effects like swelling subsiding within two weeks.

When recovering from blepharoplasty, you should avoid wearing contact lenses and eye makeup. You should also practice protecting yourself from sun and wind by wearing sunscreen and dark sunglasses outside. Some patients prefer to wear sunglasses around any bright light for two weeks, including indoors.

Any potential scars from blepharoplasty are minor and well-hidden due to where the eyelid surgeon places the incisions during surgery. Scars generally fade with time and eventually become virtually undetectable.

For more information on blepharoplasty and eyelid surgery, you can visit our blog, “Your Blepharoplasty Questions Answered,” where our team covers all your questions related to blepharoplasty.


Have more questions? Check out our informative blog, Your Blepharoplasty Questions Answered, where we cover all things Blepharoplasty.

Blepharoplasty Results: What to Expect

After your blepharoplasty, you can expect to see:

  • Reduced sagging and drooping in your upper eyelids
  • Reduced or eliminated bags under the eyes
  • Improved facial appearance overall

With less sagging and drooping, you can enjoy a more open and alert appearance. Similarly, reducing undereye bags helps eliminate a tired, aged look. Your eyes play a significant role in your overall appearance, so keeping your eyes looking refreshed and alert can give your entire face a more youthful look.

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It’s important to note that your individual results may vary based on your age, skin type, and the extent of your condition prior to surgery. Our skilled and experienced eyelid surgeon can provide you with a personalized assessment to help you set realistic expectations for your surgical outcomes.

What Impacts Blepharoplasty Results

Several factors can impact the results of your blepharoplasty, including:

  • Eyelid Surgeon Skill: Only work with a board-certified eyelid surgeon who has extensive experience performing blepharoplasty and achieving high-quality results
  • Your Skin Type: If you have thicker or less elastic skin, you may require additional treatments to achieve your desired results compared to someone with more elasticity
  • Your Overall Health: Your health in general can impact your healing process and the final results of your surgery — if you have medical conditions that affect your healing speed, you may require more downtime to recover

Before your blepharoplasty, we will discuss any potential risk factors during your consultation, as well as the best ways for you to take care of your skin after surgery.


The results of blepharoplasty are quite long-lasting. While your eyelids will still age as you do, the aging process around the eyes is significantly delayed due to blepharoplasty.

Blepharoplasty is designed to provide long-lasting results, but it’s important to incorporate practices to help support your blepharoplasty. Some steps include taking care of your overall health through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep.

You should also protect your eye area from sun damage by using sunscreen and appropriate sunglasses. Avoid smoking as much as possible, since it accelerates the aging process and damages your skin.

Finally, consider non-surgical treatments to help maintain and complement your results, such as laser skin resurfacing or injectable fillers.

Less Invasive Alternatives to Upper and Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

There are less invasive alternatives to surgical blepharoplasty available.

Botox is one option, as it can help lift and tighten the skin around the eyes. By injecting Botox into strategic areas of the eyebrow, an eyelid surgeon essentially performs a chemical brow lift, which offers a subtle lifting effect. This treatment can help alleviate the appearance of sagging or droopy upper eyelids, but the results are temporary.

Ultherapy is another option for non-invasive treatment, as it uses targeted ultrasound energy to lift and tighten skin. Ultherapy on the brow area can provide a more significant lift than Botox can on its own. It can also stimulate the production of collagen, which helps maintain results for a longer period of time.

Injectable fillers can help treat hollow areas around the eyes to conceal puffiness in your lower eyelids. Injecting filler around the eyes can create a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Some other less invasive procedure options include lasers, microneedling, and chemical peels, which are designed to improve your skin’s tone and texture. These procedures can help stimulate the production of new collagen and tighten delicate areas of the skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You may be a candidate for blepharoplasty if the heaviness or puffiness of your eyes affects your appearance, self-confidence, or vision on a regular basis.

  • Eyelid surgery can take anywhere from 45 minutes to over two hours to complete, depending on how extensive your surgery is. For example, if you’re having both your upper and lower eyelids treated during surgery, your procedure will take longer than if you were having only one or the other treated.

  • Upper Eyelid Surgery is performed in the comfort of our office with local anesthesia and oral sedation. Lower Eyelid Surgery and the combination of Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery is usually performed in an operating room at a surgical center. This is because IV sedation or general anesthesia is needed to make the procedure more comfortable for the patient.

  • Most patients will look like they had surgery for about 1-2 weeks because of mild bruising and swelling. Intraoperative techniques and medications in combination with supplements given ahead of surgery help to minimize bruising and swelling.

  • The results of your blepharoplasty should last anywhere from 10 to 15 years.

  • Some patients may be candidates for less invasive options to correct heaviness of their upper lids and puffiness of their lower lids if they are not ready for surgical intervention. A chemical browlift can be performed with strategically injected botox in the eyebrow area to give a 1-2mm lift of the brow. This can open the eyes slightly and can be combined with Ultherapy of the brows for a stronger effect. Injectable fillers can be used to camouflage the puffiness of the lower lids and treatments such as lasers, microneedling or chemical peels can improve lower lid skin texture and tone. While these treatments will not achieve surgical results, in certain patients they can be considered as an alternative to rejuvenation in this area. These treatments can also be combined with surgery for an even better result.

  • At Fresh Face & Eye, we realize that the preventive care, anti-aging and skin maintenance options available can be somewhat overwhelming, for this reason, we encourage patients to ask questions and are always happy to provide them with the information they need to make the best choices. Furthermore, at Fresh Face & Eye, we believe that every patient should have access to treatment and product information without concerns related to being pressured into making an appointment or purchasing a product.

    Dr. Baljeet K. Purewal is an experienced, board-certified Oculoplastics and Reconstructive Surgeon who specializes in non-surgical rejuvenation treatments for the face and surgical procedures for addressing the signs of aging that affect the eye. She has been serving Northern New Jersey for 10 years.

    To schedule an appointment with Dr. Purewal at her Fresh Face & Eye practice, located in Chatham, New Jersey, please call 973-635-4000 or click here. Fresh Face & Eye is located at 82 Main Street.