Ptosis Repair

Patient: Female Age 30-35
Concerns: Drooping of her left upper lid especially in photos. After surgery, she felt she no longer had to hide the asymmetry behind glasses.
Treatment: Left upper lid ptosis repair
Lift, brighten and tighten with our eyelid lift and droopy eyelid treatment with top eyelid surgeon and Fresh Face + Eye founder, Dr. Baljeet Purewal.
What is ptosis or drooping eyelids?
Ptosis is the drooping of the upper eyelid. While it is usually the result of aging, some people develop ptosis after eye surgery or an injury and sometimes the condition is congenital. Because ptosis may be present due to serious causes, patients with this disorder should be checked by a doctor.
What causes drooping eyelids?
Ptosis typically results from a weakening in the muscle responsible for raising the eyelid or from damage to the nerves that control the muscle. A droopy eyelid can sometimes occur after eye surgery, trauma, or long-term use of hard and sometimes soft contact lenses. In some cases, ptosis may simply be caused by drooping eyelids or loose eyelid skin on the upper eyelid.
Occasionally the reason for ptosis can be more serious. As well as being a congenital disorder or as a result of injury or surgery, ptosis may be caused by:
- Growth in the eyelid, such as a stye
- Bell’s palsy
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Myasthenia gravis
- Horner syndrome
- Benign or malignant tumor
In rare instances, ptosis can occur due to a brain tumor or other malignancy that affects the reactions of muscles or nerves.
How is ptosis diagnosed?
Ptosis is typically diagnosed by an ophthalmologist, who can also determine the cause of the problem. In order to perform a comprehensive eye examination, the doctor may test your visual acuity, perform visual field testing, a slit-lamp examination, and, possibly, a tension test for myasthenia gravis.
If there is a suspicion of an underlying systemic disease, you will be referred to an internist or another physician for further investigation.
What are the symptoms of ptosis?
Ptosis appears as the drooping of one or both eyelids and often one or more of the following symptoms:
- Heavy feeling lid
- Tired looking eyes
- Reduced vision (with severe drooping)
As ptosis caused by aging is usually gradual, a sudden onset of symptoms is greater cause for concern.
Can ptosis be fixed?
Droopy eyelids may be treated for cosmetic or medical purposes. Severe drooping may obstruct vision as the eyelid gradually droops lower and lower, eventually covering the eye. If ptosis interferes with your vision, a blepharoplasty will be performed to eliminate the drooping. Young patients with mild to moderate ptosis should be examined regularly to check for other vision problems including amblyopia, refractive errors and muscular diseases.
See our eye lift before and after photos here
How can a droopy eyelid be repaired?
As a Board-Certified Oculoplastics and Reconstructive Surgeon who specializes in performing non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments and cosmetic eyelid tightening surgery, Dr. Baljeet Purewal has the artistic vision and extensive knowledge of facial structure as well as the skills necessary to provide you with beautiful, natural-looking results from your eye skin surgery.
First, we’ll examine and diagnose your droopy eyelid to determine the best droopy upper eyelid treatment. We’ll measure the degree of droop and determine the underlying issue. Further diagnostic testing may be required. If the drooping is secondary to a mechanical issue, such as a stretching or disinsertion of the muscle, there are two different types of surgeries we can consider. The first is an external levator advancement and the second is a mullerectomy. We’ll also decide whether one or both eyelids should be repaired for balance and symmetry for the best treatment for droopy eyelids.
How long does the surgery take?
The surgery takes approximately 45 minutes.
What is the recovery time?
At Fresh Face + Eye, ptosis repair treatment can be performed in the Fresh Face + Eye office with local anesthesia and with minimal to no pain during recovery.
As the incision is on the back surface of the eyelid, the recovery time for a mullerectomy surgery is less, with less bruising and swelling. Most of our patients feel comfortable returning to their daily activities 1-3 days after surgery although this may vary.
For an external levator advancement surgery, there may be slightly more swelling and bruising. Most of our patients return to their daily activities approximately 4-7 days after surgery, although we recommend avoiding heavy exercise for 2-3 weeks. After one month, 90% of the swelling is improved.
The lid position can fluctuate the first few weeks because of swelling and after 1-3 months you can expect to see your final result.
Where is the incision for the surgery?
In the case of a mullerectomy surgery, the incision is created on the back surface of the eyelid. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.
If you are not a candidate for mullerectomy surgery, an external levator advancement can be performed. This incision is made in the eyelid crease and sutures are placed and removed approximately one week later. This surgery takes approximately 45 minutes.
How much does eyelid surgery cost?
The cost of your droopy upper eyelid treatment can vary. After an initial consultation, Dr. Purewal can give you an accurate cost for the treatment.
Are there any possible side effects of surgery?
Any surgery in the eye area can lead to a temporary dry eye. This can manifest as tearing, burning or blurry vision. We recommend the use of preservative free artificial tears frequently during the first week to help minimize dry eyes.
There is risk of the eyelid being too high or too low or asymmetric to the opposite eye. These possibilities are taken into consideration when developing a treatment plan and choosing the surgery that is predicted to yield the best results.
The risk of scarring along the incision is low because the eyelid skin heals very well and the incision is hidden in the eyelid crease.
Electing to have your droopy eyelid surgery treatment with a skilled professional like Dr. Purewal gives you the best chance of the results you’re after.
Ready for a fresh approach to beauty? If you’re looking for an eyelid surgery specialist near me in New Jersey, you need to see Dr. Baljeet Purewal. To schedule an appointment or learn more about our ptosis repair treatments at Fresh Face + Eye please call (973) 635-4000 or use the online form by clicking here. Virtual consultations are also available.